This website is made possible thanks to the hard work of many people smarter than me.

Produced on an 1366×768 Toshiba laptop in rustic Maidstone, UK, I tend to sketch with pen and paper to figure out design concepts before coding in Sublime Text.

Starting with the content first I’m taking inspiration from the canons of page construction and applying a flexible device-agnostic approach to it.


The type is set in Lora by Cyreal for body copy and Cooper Hewitt by Chester Jenkins for headings. Both which are licensed under the SIL Open Font License.


This website is built with Jekyll, a ‘blog aware, static site generator’, and hosted on GitHub Pages. The source code is version controlled with Git and stored on GitHub.

The evolution of this website is an experiment in iterating and building something out in the open, which is why its progress is available on a public Trello board.

All the pages are given semantic meaning with HTML5 and the aesthetics are controlled by CSS.

Images are only loaded once you scroll to them with the help of LazyLoad by Andrea “verlok” Verlicchi.

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