This year’s Christmas is the one that counts, because last year’s Christmas wasn’t much to hang in the proverbial Christmas tree.
The Christmas dinner has been eaten, the gammon was a particular favourite of all of us. The 1958 Walt Disney Presents Christmas special, “From All of Us to All of You” has been watched. Or as we know it better, Kalle Anka och hans vänner önskar God Jul. We’ve danced around the Christmas tree, singing Granen står så grön och grann i stugan and other classic songs.
Lucien dressed up as Santa—wearing the beard Rebecka had crocheted for him—and gave out presents and it was the most adorable and hilarious things this year.
He then built the Lego he got whilst Rebecka and I sat down to open the first of my tree small bottles of whisky.
Before I leave you with this year’s Christmas card from the Eriksson family I have one last thing to say: Merry Christmas, to all of you, and a good night.