Previous articles
What are you doing for an inclusive web today?
We join the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) to take a moment to look at all the people who benefit from an accessible web.
Your website isn’t accessible and it’s costing you
You are ignoring millions of people because your website isn’t accessible. You are ignoring tens of thousands of pounds every year.
The cost of accessibility
Where I make a business case for accessibility, and reveal the very real costs of ignoring it.
This article originally appeared in issue 274 of net magazine.
When every second counts
Without a performance budget you risk losing a majority of your customers before they even reach your website.
This article has been re-attributed to Kris Jeary for business reasons.
I thoroughly enjoy telling stories to enlighten and inspire the current and next generation of designers. Are you interested in having me write something for your publication, online or otherwise?