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Fucking February, Issue 02/16

~2 minutes

    In this month’s late and short issue of Keeping Up With the Erikssons: We have a really shitty month.

    The idiom goes, When it rains, it pours.

    And at the start of February, that certainly felt true.

    In one swift swoop my position at Squiders was made redundant and one of our closest friends passed away from leukaemia.

    Needless to say, that day was pretty shitty.

    Which is why this month’s Keeping Up with the Erikssons is both late and short.

    So there I was, there we where, unemployed and in mourning.

    Which meant all our plans went out through the window as I put my job hunting hat on instead.


    Benjamin and I still managed to live on Joylent for a week. And whilst I kept a day-by-day account of my experience, Benjamin decided to write about the whole experience afterwards.

    We both found it quite interesting and it was not what I had excepted.

    Monthly challenge; Reading

    Despite the hardships this month I tried my best to keep up with my monthly challenge of reading more.

    I had already gotten to a early start by finishing Copywriting: Successful Writing for Design, Advertising and Marketing by Mark Shaw, which I also reviewed.

    So I just continued with Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality by Gail Dines and moved on to The Joy of Coffee: the Essential Guide to Buying, Brewing and Enjoying by Barbara Hurd, once I had finished Pornland.

    Pornland was an excellent critique of pornography and the destructive nature of the porn industry.

    After that I ploughed through Pricing Design by Dan Mall. A short and sweet book from A Book Apart.

    I also started on Catch 22 by Joseph Heller and the first draft from a friends fantasy novel, called Spirit Walker. I haven’t finished either of these yet but I’ll get around to them.

    Stay tuned for updates on my job situtation as things become clearer. Until then, this is all I feel like writing.

    Which means, that’s it for this month.

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